
Knowledge Icon Bundle

Website & Platform Design & Development

Most projects we build range in price from $3,000 to $6,000 but each project depends on the requirements. That means we can’t give you a prices without knowing your project.

Our goal is to free you from proprietary course platforms and give you a holistic platform for marketing with your website and managing your entire course ecosystem and your students too.

Website Design & Development

We will work with you to create your vision for an impactful and successful website. With your content and vision for marketing your courses, we’ll make it all happen in your own powerful, easy, and custom website platform based on WordPress.

Course Platform Design & Development

We’ll work with you to design and develop how you want your course content to be presented to your students. From purchasing to managing students, we’ll work with you to create your own custom course platform that you own entirely.

$2,000 to $10,000+

This range is an estimate. Most of our projects are between $3,000 and $6,000 but some are simpler while others are significantly more complex.

Hosting / Maintenance

Hosting and maintenance are at the center of a strong course platform. That’s why we only give you the best. Everything you need for your website and course platform is included in your monthly cost. The best part? You own it all including your content and student data. If you need to bring your platform somewhere else for whatever reason, you can!

The only thing you need is a video hosting platform which we find is best delivered by a specialist in the field such as Vimeo, Wistia, or even YouTube. Even proprietary course-only platforms can’t provide the same strength in delivering your video content that a video hosting solution can. That’s why we decided it’s best to leave videos to the specialists instead of giving you a poor solution.

Premium Hosting

Fast and secure hosting for your website and course platform including domain, SSL, backups, and more.

Full Management & Reporting

We maintain your website with not only the host backups but also off-site backups, regular website speed testing, updates (WordPress core, theme, and plugins), security, uptime monitoring, SEO ranking (up to 100 keywords), and a weekly report.

License Upkeep

Make sure you have all updates for all premium plugins for your website.

$100 / month

This is a monthly prices that includes everything above for most website and course platforms we build for our clients. For significantly larger projects this cost may increase.

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